· 971 302 723

Vida i mort de nou

Museums for Education and Research.

Narcís Puget Viñas (Eivissa, 1874 - Santa Eulària des Riu, 1960)

Ceramics of Catalan and Italian production, s. XVII - XVIII 


17|02 - 19|05


As usual, every year the Museu d’Art Contemporani d’Eivissa presents its MACE FOCUS project. On this occasion we show to the public several sets of works with their different narratives, trying to find dialogues that facilitate their proximity and understanding.

The works of art that have recently entered in the museum, the product of acquisitions, deposits and donations, come together with a double purpose: on the one hand to implement the museum's collections coherently and on the other hand to open ourselves to new lines of exploration by rereading the collections with renewed perspectives.

Our time, often complex and convulsive, envelops us in a turmoil that prevents us from seeing calmly, reasoning with serenity and feeling with recognition and awareness.

However, the artists' works are made for us, so that we can enjoy their presence, be disturbed or not by their proposals, feel their heartbeat; what they evoke in themselves and through their expressive languages, respond to their stimuli, grow intellectually and creatively with their meanings or expand our sensitive and mental horizons.

The exhibition shows works by: Gisela Broner (Sao Paulo, 1912 - Eivissa, 2005). From the deposit made by AMICS MACE, which contains works by Elmyr de Hory (Budapest, Hungary, 1906 - Eivissa, 1976), Rubén Núñez (Valencia, Venezuela, 1930 - 2012) and Victor Vasarely (Pécs, Hungary, 1906 - Paris, France,1997).  Isabel Echarri (Vera de Bidasoa, 1929 - Formentera, 2022), Barry Flanagan (Prestatyn, Wales, 1941 - Santa Eulària des Riu, 2009), Marcel Floris (Hyères, France, 1914 - Santa Eulària des Riu, 2002), Susy Gómez (Pollensa, 1964), Antoni Marí Ribas “Portmany” (Eivissa, 1906 - 1974), Adrián Martínez (Eivissa, 1984), Katja Meirowsky (Straussdorf / Spremberg, Germany, 1920 - Potsdam, 2012), Stella Rahola Matutes (Barcelona, ​​1980), Bertil Sjöberg (Malmö, Sweden, 1914 - 1999), Edith Sommer (Schwäbisch Gmünd, Switzerland, 1935 - Eivissa, 2020) and Heinz Trökes (Duisburg, Germany, 1913 - Berlin, 1997).

The subtitle of the exhibition: MAGATZEM VISITABLE refers to the installation, which will show some packaging, with the didactic intention of showing how the works travel or are stored when they are not on display in front of our eyes. The poetics contained in these wooden boxes can make up a great flow of added meanings.



Decree correcting provisional list of people admitted and excluded from the stabilization process through an extraordinary merit-based competition.

File no.: 142/2022

Procedure: Call and selection tests for the final selection of employees publics included in the public employment offer

Deadline for allegations: 11/24 to 12/04, both inclusive.

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Screening of the documentary, S.R. Sert, Un Sueño Nómada


Captura de pantalla 2023 11 24 a las 4.43.36

El dijous 26 d'octubre de 18 a 20 h. al Saló d'Actes del MACE


Antoni Marí (Ibiza, 1944) studied Philosophy and Letters and is a Doctor and emeritus Professor of Art Theory at the Pompeu Fabra University of Barcelona. Poet, essayist and narrator, he is the author of a widely translated, extensive and award-winning literary work that shares the same concern for the roots of artistic creation, aesthetic experience and metaphysical interrogation. He has been founder and director of the poetry collection Nuevos Textos Sagrados of Tusquets. As an essayist he has focused on the field of modernity; the fruit of this work is the anthology of German romanticism L'entusiasme i la quietud and the essays Euforió: esperit i naturalesa del geni (1979), La voluntat expressiva (1988) for which he won the National Prize for Catalan Literature, Formes de l'individualisme (1994), Tàpies, certeses sentides (2003), La vida dels sentits (2004), L'esplendor de la ruïna (2005), La imaginació noucentista (2009), El conflicte de les aparences (2016) and Set aproximacions a María Zambrano i un acostament (2016). He became known as a poet with El Preludi (1979), a collection of poems that has been followed by other works such as Un viatge d’hivern (1989) for which he won the National Critics Award and El Desert (1997), Poemes (2000), Tríptic des Jondal (2003), Han vingut uns amics (2010) and Ombra i llum. Variacions sobre un tema romàntic (2019). As a narrator he has published El vas de plata (published in Catalan in 1991 and in the author's Spanish version in 1992), for which he won the City of Barcelona Prize and the Serra d'Or Criticism, and the novels El Camí de Vincennes, Prudenci Bertrana Prize (1995), Entspringen (2000) and Llibre d'absències (2012).


Ajuntament d'EivissaAjuntament de la Ciutat d'Eivissa
Tel. 971 397 600